הדברים שנכתבו כאן הועתקו מדבריו של משתמש:Dovno בוויקיפדיה, ונכתבו שם תשובות על כך.
מכירת בובות היא פשע מאורגן משום שראשי הכנופיות נלחמים אחד בשני על שטחי המכירה, וזה מגיע לאשפוזים ומעצרים. כמו כן נעשה ייבוא של מוכרי בובות מחו"ל, שיכונם בדירות ולקיחת הדרכונים מהם, אלימות כלפי חלק ממוכרות הבובות, וסחיטה של מוכרי הבובות: רוב הרווח ממכירת הבובות מגיע לראשי הכנופיות ולא למוכרי הבובות עצמם. הבעיה היא עולמית, משום שנכתב עליה גם בניו יורק טיימס. מוכר בובות אמריקאי גם כתב ספר על כך שעקבו אחריו בשדה התעופה באורלנדו וזימנו אליו משטרה.
1. Economic Survival in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community: "In the Great Depression of the 1930s, those who lived at that time may remember "deaf peddlers". Those who were deaf or hard of hearing would offer people an alphabet card in exchange for money".
2. Deaf L.A. Peddlers Say They Know N.Y. Sellers: "The deaf peddlers at Los Angeles International Airport know all about New York City and the bad jefes who did business there, the “king peddlers” who allegedly kept more than 50 Mexican immigrants in crowded apartments as virtual indentured servants".
3. Why not to buy manual alphabet cards from peddlers: "At the airport I was approached by a deaf person selling manual alphabet cards. Should I buy one? Answer: No! No! No! There is a big difference between buying something from a peddler on a sidewalk and being psychologically pressured into "paying any price you wish” or for an ABC card by someone who comes up to you in a public place. ABC cards aren’t a legitimate product. Sadly, many of these "deaf” peddlers aren’t even deaf. They’re hearing people faking deafness. As proven time and time again when a person approaches them and asks in fluent American Sign Language (ASL): "Why are you doing this?" watch them make a quick escape!"
4. Hi, I'm deaf. Let's be friends, I love you. Give me money: "Alrighty, so I went to lunch with my mom and dad today at Athens, a Greek restaurant. Anyway, while we were eating I noticed a strange guy walking around in a baseball cap. I didn't think much of it and just ignored him. A few minutes later, the guy finally makes his way to our table, doesn't say a single word, and simply tosses the following down on our table. It landed in front of my dad, so he was looking at it. About 30 seconds or a minute went by, and the odd thing was that the guy was still standing at our table. We tried to just ignore him, but he simply wasn't going to go away. My dad finally gave him a buck, and then he went on his way".
5. Sign Language ABC Card: "The impression they give is that Deaf people don’t work, that they rely on begging to sustain themselves, and that Deaf people can't do everything a hearing person can".
6. The dilemma of Deaf Peddling: Cultural double-edged sword.
7. Items that Deaf Peddlers Make & Sell: ABC cards, Nail clippers, Pencils and Pens, Key chains.
8. Do any actual deaf people pull the "I'm deaf, please buy my one page signing pamphlet" scam?: "Around the year 2000, there was a lot of news about a Deaf peddling ring in which a Deaf husband and wife from Russia imported Deaf people from Russia to the U.S. with promises of a better life, but once they arrived, were kept as virtual slaves, let out of the apartment only to peddle, and beatings and near starvation were part of this couple’s tactics to control their underlings".
9. Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Singapore: "Recently, the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) received a number of calls from members of the public, informing us that deaf peddlers were occasionally seen around town selling toys and other novelty items, claiming to be raising funds for SADeaf".
And the key point: Leon Krakover: "A deaf Chicago entrepreneur who built his street-peddling empire into a corporation complete with lawyers, accountants, a staff of deaf door-to-door salesmen and an apartment hotel to house them. His groups have been used to peddle miscellaneous goods. He is called "King of Peddler". Also, he is a millionaire. At one time, he owned six buildings. These groups peddled items in all 48 states".
לעניין הטענה על "קבצנים חירשים", קבצנים מן המניין אינם מיובאים מארצות אחרות בהבטחה לחיים טובים יותר, משוכנים בצפיפות בדירות, דרכוניהם נלקחים מהם ומופעלת עליהם אלימות פיזית ורגשית על מנת שיעבדו עבור מפעיליהם. נכתב על כך רבות גם בתקשורת עצמה, כפי שהוצג במקורות אלה. כל המקורות הם נכונים ומדוייקים, אחרת לא הייתה נעשית הסתמכות עליהם ולא היה נכתב כאן על מתחזים לחירשים או על אלכוהול בגאנה.